Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Feet Are Killing Me

 My feet feel as if someone took a hammer and hit the back of them.  They've been causing me so much pain that sometimes I have to use a crutch.  I don't know what the heck is wrong (other than I'm just getting old, and I weigh more than I should), but I can't recall ever hurting them.  I went to the doctor when the pain became unbearable which was about two years ago, and he dismissed it and said that he doesn't prescribe narcotics.  Do I look like a druggie?  No, but I guess that was what he thought.
I went to another doctor before Christmas, and told her of my feet pain and also my 'runners knee' pain.  She didn't really spend much time examining them, but she said that it's a form of arthritis and bursitis.  She said I can continue to take Naproxen for the pain and swelling, and if it gets worse to see her again.
Well, it's worse.  The only thing that helps is soaking my feet in very warm water, and stretching my muscles.
This morning I noticed some spur-looking swelling:

In my younger days, I was on my feet constantly waitressing and I think that's what caused my heel spurs.  At home I am barefoot all the time.  I don't wear shoes in the house because I don't like to get my carpet dirty, but that might not be good on my feet.
My sister had the same problem and a couple years ago we went to get a fitting for soles to put in our shoes. That helped so much!  It was a difference between night and day. Maybe I should do that again before I make an appointment to see my doctor.
Do you have foot and heel pain?  If so, what do you do?